This video/slideshow has been created for the upcoming Third Students for a Democratic Society National Convention coming up in College Park, Maryland, July 24-27. The slideshow reviews the past year of organizing and activism from the biggest and most dynamic national student organization in the U.S. since the original SDS of the 1960s. Now SDS is a major force, a multi-issue network composed of every Left ideological shade, from communists to anarchists to social-democrats and left-liberals, united under a banner of anti-imperialist activism and participatory democracy. SDS has led local militant actions and huge nationally coordinated actions. It is hard to believe that SDS has come so far and grown so much since the first National Convention in Chicago back in 2006.
I'm going to keep this blog up because there is a lot material here that I'm not intending to transfer over, but it isn't going to be updated anymore. For new content, check out the new site!
I'm Comrade Zero, a Marxist-Leninist activist and organizer living in the Southern United States. In general, this blog supports the politics of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. I'm trying to collect resources, news and analysis from the Left, and provide some original content when I have time. You will find more or less daily updates in the "history in the making" column, on the front page, and I'll post original material as well as items of particular interest in the main section. Of course the views and opinions expressed on this blog are those of the authors of the articles. The inclusion of any link should not be taken as a complete and un-critical endorsement. The banner graphic at the top of the page depicts the principal theorists of Marxism-Leninism: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, plus William Z. Foster and Harry Haywood, who did pathbreaking work in the application of Marxism-Leninism to the revolutionary struggle in the U.S.
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